
WUWT - Greenies Close Feed lot?

Posted this link on wuwt but seems no to have made it!
URGENT – A call to action for the WUWT community

Is it really Greenies causing this or is it a sense of smell?
check out:

or if this doesn't work:

The local authorities may also have been hoodwinked by Janet Thompson as she said there would beno odour problem when asked at a public meeting

Since the Narrogin Beef Producers on Wanarie Road have been inproduction our plans have changed dramatically, nothing like we firstplanned. At times the odour is so strong during the summer when the Albanydoctor come in it makes it unbearable to be or stay outside

and from the local agricultural college:

The problem is the profit making venture they are trying to establish is affecting the health, welfare and futurebest interests of this award winning, public education facility, its staff and the students of the NarroginAgricultural College
RegardsSTEPHEN WYATTActing Principal - WA College of Agricuiture -Narrogin


Lord Andrew Turnbull from the GWPF

The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) …
We are funded entirely by voluntary donations from a number of private individuals and charitable trusts. In order to make clear its complete independence, we do not accept gifts from either energy companies or anyone with a significant interest in an energy company.

They do not mind employing Mr Turnbull who has interests in energy .
Lord Andrew Turnbull
Since retiring from the Civil Service in 2005, Lord Andrew Turnbull has joined Booz & Company as a Senior Advisor. … He entered the House of Lords in December 2005 and is a non-executive Director of Prudential PLC, The British Land Company PLC and Frontier Economics Ltd, and is Chairman of BH Global Ltd.
Frontier's energy work relates to electricity, gas and oil and covers production, networks, storage, trading and retail. Frontier is recognised as one of the leading energy market, modelling and regulatory experts in Western Europe and Australia and the Pacific and has worked widely on the detailed quantitative and qualitative aspects of environmental policies

His directorship of BH Global. Is interesting (especially if I could understand this document prospectus looks most unsavoury to the uninitiated!)

Page 79 of the document
Investment Profile by Sector (percentage of capital allocation) energy = 6%

Montford makes 39 FOI requests

Just how much has he cost the British Taxpayer on his witch hunt?

Make the most of this cost and have a look at some responses


The real harry file

Montford seems willing to accept a free golf day