November 14, 2010 at 7:56 am
This blog is becoming a hate-fest of any country apart from US (see the German thread).
But even worse it is becoming a source of conspiracy theories (communism, socialism UN taking over the world).
REPLY: Well then don’t visit, nobody’s forcing you. WUWT reports on things people agree and disagree with, I dare say that if I’m not upsetting somebody with some article each day, I’m not doing my job. Get over yourself. – Anthony
So Watts agrees with the comments on his german post:
S Basinger says: November 11, 2010 at 8:52 am
A modest proposal for BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN – perhaps all ‘deniers’ should be made to wear a symbol of some type. Perhaps a star?
Dennis Nikols, P. Geol. says: November 11, 2010 at 9:22 am
Is this significantly different then what we have heard and will continue to hear from any extreme on any subject. Remember the tradition of intolerance for difference runs deep, very deep in the culture of all European societies. We in the US and Canada need to remind ourselves that our culture and society is of European roots.
Allencic says: November 11, 2010 at 9:42 am
What? The germans are doing stupid and dangerous things again. Where’s General Patton and the Third Army when we need them?
kwik says: November 11, 2010 at 10:03 am
Hmmmm….okay, so germany needs
- A Secret Police for keeping track of Deniers….let me see …hmm…
Geheime Clima Polizei ? ( GeCliPo )
Geheime Grun Polizei ? ( GeGruPo )
-A way to reckognise the Denier….hmmmm….. A Tatoo on the arm which tell you
what number you have on the Black List? Like… D 111222 (Denier number 111222)
And maybe a yellow patch on the chest with a black Coal piece on it ? Easy to spot.
-There might be neccessary to have some Camps for re-programming of the Deniers.
Some doctors will be needed for injections of certain drugs. Maybe the deniers can
work while in camp? Uranium mines?
-May I suggest a new Jugend organisation ? Die Grune Jugend. You can easily recruit guards for the camps when they are indoctrinaded as young ones.
DesertYote says: November 11, 2010 at 10:06 am
WOW, just WOW. Reading this right after saying what I did in a post on the Armistice Day thread is chilling.
The evil of WWI is not dead, its just in hiding … or was :(
Peter Miller says:
November 11, 2010 at 10:21 am
Undoubtedly, there are many in Germany who favour the concept of a Fourth Reich.
History has shown that stifling dissent appears to be ingrained into their culture.
eadler says: November 11, 2010 at 12:26 pm
Anthony Watts wrote:
“The seeds of tyranny appear to be taking hold again in the German government at least when it comes to climate change issues. – Anthony”
I guess Anthony doesn’t know much about German politics. He seems to think the Green Party is running the German government. As far as I know, the ruling party is CDP under Angela Merkel.
I think that part of the post needs to be corrected.
REPLY: You have NO IDEA WHAT I THINK. – take a timeout, pretty much fed up with you. – Anthony
Mac The Knife says: November 11, 2010 at 12:48 pm
Soooooo the zealous German Parliamentarians have issued a fatwa against anyone questioning the absolute truth of Man Made Global Warming, eh? Can Jihad be far behind? If I used the UN-IPCC report to clean my toilet, will they send out their jihadi assassins to murder me
and his mates are not much better:
Smokey says: March 17, 2011 at 11:39 am
thefordprefect says:
“So you are prepared to subsidise the peasants in their huts with no financial wealth so they can use fossil fuel whose price will rise because of the doubling in demand and the lack of future resources.”
But I feel no guilt. If their despotic governments instituted reforms including minimal government interference, free trade, property rights, low taxation, and a fair legal system, within one generation you would see a South Korea-type society emerge from the previous North Korea-type poverty.
My response (will it make it past the watts knife?
Personna Smokey the Astroturfer says: March 17, 2011 at 11:39 am
But I feel no guilt. If their despotic governments instituted reforms including minimal government interference, free trade, property rights, low taxation, and a fair legal system, within one generation you would see a South Korea-type society emerge from the previous North Korea-type poverty.
Even for an invented personna you are very obnoxious.
The west has had cheap abundant fuel to grow with. We have squandered this resource and continue to do so - just read the comments here. In the UK just using modern wall warts < 1 watt instead of the usuallo 3 watts would save a small power station. Now swith off all those set top boxes when not reuired and thats another power station. Now switch to efficient lighting and thats another power station.
Drive a small efficient car, cycle to work, take only one flight holiday per year.
Insulate your house, stop draughts, reduce the remperature during the winter and increase it in the summer by a degreeC.
All this is feasible without loosing your freedom and without going back to the dark ages. Is this so much to ask? Wind turbines generate 20% rated power on average over the year. This means you save oil/gas for the future - is this bad?
I thought personnas were supposed to research before posting. How can you say that ALL lack of industrialisation and wealth is caused by despotic governments - where is your proof. Perhaps you need to bring on line another of your personnas to back up your dross.
Some aboriginal peoples prefer to be left with their lifestyle. Some may wish to progress to westenrn "civilisation" but because we have squandered to cheap fuel will not be able to reach their aspirations.
The response: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/03/17/earth-hour-a-dissent/#comment-623509
Smokey says:
March 18, 2011 at 2:12 pm
thefordprefect [TFP] scolds:
Drive a small efficient car, cycle to work, take only one flight holiday per year.
“thefordprefect” persona is a busybody eco-lecturer. I will continue driving my CO2-belching 271 horsepower car. I will never cycle to work, unless it’s on a motorcycle, and I will take as many airline flights as I please – completely guilt free.
TFP continues:
Insulate your house, stop draughts, reduce the remperature during the winter and increase it in the summer by a degreeC.
As if everyone hasn’t heard that a hundred times. I’ve insulated my house to save money and for comfort, not to please little hitler wanna-be’s, who crave a totalitarian government to micro-manage everyone’s life.
I will keep the temperature where it’s most comfortable, in both summer and winter. I pay for it with my own earned money, and no busybody do-gooder is going to tell me how warm or cool to keep my house.
All this is feasible without loosing [sic] your freedom and without going back to the dark ages. Is this so much to ask?
Let me put it this way: Butt out, serf. I will live my life as a free man, paying my own way.
How can you say that ALL lack of industrialisation and wealth is caused by despotic governments – where is your proof. Perhaps you need to bring on line another of your personnas [sic] to back up your dross.
First, I can say that all lack of national industrialization is the result of bad government, because it is an obvious fact to the most casual observer. North and South Korea have the same people, the same geography, the same culture. One has good government that embraces the free market [or the Karl Marx term: capitalism], and the other is a Socialist/Communist totalitarian dictatorship. The problem from Albania to Zimbabwe is the same: bad government. The more Socialist/Communist a country’s government is, the worse off its citizens are.
And second: I have only one on-line persona: Smokey. That’s all. Both you and “walt man” have accused me this past week of having multiple posting names. That is not true. And for someone who names himself after a Douglas Adams character, who are you to criticize?
There’s a saying: A thief thinks everyone else is a thief. So the probability is high that both TFP and walt man post under various names. I do not. Just because other commentators have criticized TFP’s post as I have, he wrongly assumes that they are me. That is certainly not the case, as those other commentators know.
Finally, TFP says:
Some aboriginal peoples prefer to be left with their lifestyle. Some may wish to progress to westenrn “civilisation” but because we have squandered to cheap fuel will not be able to reach their aspirations.
That is a bunch of horse manure. Every word of it. Some aborigines steer clear of technological civilizations out of fear, because technological civilizations have guns. But every civilization, from stone age to socialist, wants the goodies that come from a free market economy: modern medicine, cheap and abundant food, cheap energy, a huge selection of quality goods and services, electronic gadgets, heated homes, cell phones, you name it. And regarding “squandering” cheap fuel: it is exactly none of TFP’s business what people do with the energy they freely purchase. TFP’s argument is based entirely on his green-eyed envy of prosperous “capitalist” societies.
TFP is consumed by greed and covetousness. If he could, he would surely confiscate and expropriate the earned wealth of the citizens of “capitalist” countries – simply steal it outright, using any convenient feel-good eco-excuse – and hand it over to the opressive governments he worships, beginning with the UN.
The despotic leaders would, naturally, pocket TFP’s stolen loot. Their citizens wouldn’t get the benefit, any more than the citizens of Venezuela, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Zimbabwe get the benefit of the money their leaders intercept and steal.
TFP no doubt fancies himself as some sort of Robin Hood character. That’s an easy way for a thief to justify his actions. But Robin Hood stole from the bad, and gave to the good – exactly the opposite of what modern eco-thieves intend to do.
Coalition to Burgum: “Stop offshore wind!”
4 hours ago
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