

Grape Harvest Temperature Reconstructions - More Stuff

Western European climate, and Pinot noir grape harvest dates in Burgundy, France, since the 17th century

from the document:

And something I did a few years ago.
Note the vertical scales are offset but per division scales are correct

And a comparison to CET

There seems to be no further analysis (more recent than 2003) which was done by:

 Chuine I, Yiou P, Viovy N, Seguin B, Daux V, Leroy Ladurie E (2004) Grape ripening as a past climate indicator.

From the above it seems that grapes despite possible  cultivar changes give a good proxy for temperature.


  1. The grapes seem to have hidden the decline of the LIA. It's a conspiracy of man and grape!

  2. Take a look at Pfister aka Central European Temperature Record. Lots of stuff on grape harvests in nearby Switzerland

    Pfister C (1981) Die Fluktuationen der Weinmosterträge im schweizerischen Weinland vom 16. bis
    ins frühe 19. Jahrhundert. Klimatische Ursachen und sozioökonomische Bedeutung. Schweiz.
    Zeitschrift für Geschichte 31:455–491

    Pfister C (1984) Das Klima der Schweiz von 1525 bis 1860 und seine Bedeutung in der Geschichte
    von Bevölkerung und Landwirtschaft, Academia Helvetica 5, 2 vols. Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern

    Pfister C (1992) Monthly temperature and precipitation in central Europe 1525–1979: quantifying
    documentary evidence on weather and its effects. In: Bradley RS, Jones PD (eds) Climate since
    AD 1500. Routledge, London, pp 118–143

    Pfister C, Brázdil R, Glaser R, Barriendos M, Camuffo D, Deutsch M, Dobrovolný P, Enzi S,
    Guidoboni E, Kotyza O, Militzer S, Rácz L, Rodrigo FS (1999) Documentary evidence on
    climate in sixteenth-century Europe. Clim Change 43:55–110. doi:10.1023/A:1005540707792

    Pfister C, Luterbacher J, Wanner H, Wheeler D, Brázdil R, Ge Q, Hao Z, Moberg A, Grab
    S, Rosario del Prieto M (2008) Documentary evidence as climate proxies. In: PAGES (Past
    Global Changes). Proxy-specific White Paper produced from the PAGES/CLIVAR workshop,
    Trieste, 2008.
    Accessed 8 May 2009

  3. Eli Difficult finding your references. (perhaps paid access required?)
    One of the plots above does actually have swiss grapes included!

    Any way thanks for the references
